Vibrant Body Reset Button

Uncategorized Jun 23, 2018

If you're changing your habits and dramatically reducing your sugar, alcohol, and refined carbohydrate intake, chances are you may have a day where you go back to your old ways.

That's because change takes time and consistency. 

So what do you do if you have a set back? 

How do you keep from throwing in the towel if you had a night out with friends and you drank a couple of glasses of wine?

Or if your mom came over and baked your favorite apple crumble and you couldn't help but dive in?

My mom makes the best apple crumble and yes, it is topped with vanilla ice cream.

I believe the answer lies in hitting the Vibrant Body Reset Button and  getting back on track with your next cranberry cocktail drink.

Here's the recipe: 1/4 cup cranberry juice (not from concentrate), 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar, 1 glass filtered water, aqnd juice from 1/2 lemon.  

Drink your cleansing cocktail 1/2 hour before lunch and dinner.  It can even act as a great replacement for the glass of wine.  Have it at that trigger hour...5:00pm.

Be sure to have your refrigerator stocked with lots of veggies and dark leafy greens.  Buy organic as much as possible. When you want something sweet reach for the blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries.

Don't waste any time thinking about the piece of chocolate cake you ate last night, or the wine you consumed.  That moment is over. Choose Healthy Now.

If you haven't already, join our 5-Day Vibrant Body Challenge:

Love your body with healthy choices today!




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